Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I guess its time to revive my blog...

Just when i start to think that i've figured out everything about myself - about what makes me happy, sad, angry - about what i need to lead a full life, something new comes along...some new experience/ person/ incident...which forces me to rethink and challenges my so well thought of philosophy of life. Sometimes i wonder that when we don't even understand ourselves fully, how can we even presume to know others...
well...i guess this is life...unpredictable and that's what makes this journey so interesting for people who are ready to embrace the unknown :)...
Not sure whether all this blabbering makes any sense to anyone...but it does make me feel better :)...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Somethin FUNNY...At last!

Well...i somehow feel responsible for all the poor souls who go thru my blog and as a consequence are victims of my deep and confused thinking...:)
Here's something to cheer u up! (stole the links from a friends blog..hehe)
Just luv these comic strips on Romance n Sarcasm...hope u enjoy them too...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I'm simply Tired of Hearing the words 'Let Go!' n 'Move On!' around me seems to be a series of Letting go and Moving On moments...

Why do we need to use these words so frequently it b'coz we have far more choices and far greater expectations or is it our inability to remain loyal n commited to our relationships?

Is it unrealistic (read foolish) of me to want only those relationships in my life which are so meaningful that i don't ever have to 'Let Go' ...n people who are so special n deeply cherished, whom i would never have to 'Move on' from?

i often wonder why i'm the only one asking these Qs when everybody else around me is so comfortable letting go in the hope of moving on to something better...

Sunday, December 9, 2007

In sickness and health...

There's a reason wedding vows say "in SICKNESS and health." When u r feverish, whiny, irritable, looking for attention at the same time wanting to be left alone... if someone can love and care for u in those times, then rest assured he/she will be with u for the rest of your life....

and if u already have someone like that then my friend that's the best gift life has given u, cherish it forever....

To tell u the truth there's nothing so damn yucky then being alone n sick at the same much one longs for the tender loving care that only someone who truly loves you can my friends if you cannot be there in flesh for a sick friend, do not underestimate the strength that kind words can give to your dear ones in fighting their sickness.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Black and White in a Grey World

Oflate, i've come across so many situations where i've been unable to tell right from wrong. Sometimes the circumstances and their interpretation make all the difference.

Right and wrong seemed so clear to me when i was young and idealistic. Idealistic, i still am, but as i grew up, i realized that life isn't so simple. Experiences have taught me that there are two sides to every story, and I find this huge middle ground which just cannot just be categorized as 'right' or 'wrong'. I've outgrown the naive 'Black and White' world view, and learned to see things as a shade of grey...

But are we as a society mature enough to accept this fact...are we not too judgemental in our opinions and too harsh on the people who land up in such situations. Isn't it too simplistic for us to commit to black and white, yes and no, wrong and right?

Or maybe what we perceive as a grey area is actually right and wrong interwoven with such complexity that it is impossible for people like me (confused lot) to discern between them. Time and again i grapple with this dilemma and all i can do is to pray to God to give me wisdom to be able to see right from the wrong in the so-called "grey areas" of morality.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

"Perfectionism is like a double-edged sword,it cuts both ways"

After weeks of feelings the symptoms of a burnout...i've finally realized the root cause of all my problems...and it is the fact that 'I'm a PERFECTIONIST'.

I used to believe that my determination to be perfect will win success, acceptance, love and fulfillment. But now i know that even when perfectionists do achieve, they do not realize that they've neglected themselves and all their loved ones in an insane drive to be 'PERFECT' and thus deprived themselves of the very love and acceptance they want so badly to gain...they lose their peace of mind, enjoyment of life and greatly increase the level of stress they feel on a daily basis.

Now that i know my problem..i've a BIGGER problem at do i start the process of shedding this burden of seems like a constant duel with oneself...a perfect 'No Win' situation...


Monday, September 17, 2007

Thoughts amidst a bout of loneliness....

Came across these lines today...

A doubting mind
Is forced to live
In the prison of loneliness.

This set me thinking...could this be the reason for me feeling lonely time n again...

It's a fact that i don't trust people easily...but how can one who has been betrayed again n again go ahead and trust people blindly...

And then i think that i will not be alone forever...there will be time for love again...God enters the darkest rooms...

Beneath my smiles, laughter and cheers, there is a person inside that fears
Of being lonely and not having anybody

...i guess its one of those days again...